Ran 24 nautical mile south to Miami Beach. Anchored off South Beach area, just north of the Venetian Causeway, in 11 feet of water at 12:50pm. 65F and winds NW 8 knots. Clear.
The combination police dock and boat launch ramp is where all the cruisers leave their dinghies, although there's a sign saying two hour or maximum.

We use an anchor cleaning gizmo called the Gunkbuster, from Davis. I don't think they make it anymore, which is unfortunate, because it works so good. I think they expect you to fasten it to a pole or something, but we've had good operation with attaching three 1 lb. lead fishing weights so gravity can assist.

After attaching to the chain rode, here's the Gunkbuster being payed out.

We'll let the Gunkbuster go below the surface as we now start to bring up the anchor chain.

We'll pull the Gunkbuster up, and then let it fall down the chain, repeatedly, to clean the mud (and there's a surprising amount here in south Florida anchorages) off.
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