Pecan left Belleville this morning at 8:20am with cloudy (1st day!) with 57 deg F and 10 to 15 knots out of the NW. Kept our speed to an economical 6.9 to 7.4 knots with 2,100 engine rpms. Water temperature at 69 deg F. After a zig zap course following the Bay of Quinte eastward we arrived at Kingston at 3:50pm pulling into the Confederation Basin--by then it had warmed to 70 deg F and winds were 15 to 20 N.
Last night was James final one sleeping aboard Pecan. This is the sette converted into a bunk. We'll be leaving Monday morning from Kingston in a rental car to drive James down to Philadelphia to pick up all this gear that's been stored in Mike's dorm room at Penn, then onward to James school in Princeton, New Jersey. It's been fun James--hopefully he wasn't too cold aboard on some of those chilly nights!
Leaving Belleville marina.
By happenstance, At Last, a 24 foot outboard-powered catamaran, passed us in the Bay of Quinte near Picton, also heading east. It was a C-Dory 24 Tomcat design (one we had considered before buying our Rosborough RF-246) but this particular model was hard to find since not many were made and so they rarely came on the market. A lot of folks in these C-Dorys are cruising from here to there as are Rosborough people so I hailed them on VHF channel 16. The captain of At Last answered, we took the conversation to channel 68 and had a nice chat. Turns out Canadians Georgs and Norlene were out for a multi-week cruise in much of the same direction we were going. And, since we hadn't thought too much about where we were going to stay the night in Kingston, they suggested the Confederation Basin municipal marina.
Here At Last is doing about 20 knots; they arrived in Kingston about 3 hours before we did.
A good number of sailboats out doing their stuff on this nice Sunday. These unstayed catboats--the locally made Nonesuch 30--were out in force too. We had an enjoyable test sail on one in San Francisco Bay back in the early 80s when we were looking for our first boat.
This schooner was out for a daysail with charterered guests.
The Confederation Basin marina is right in the heart of downtown and has a nice park as well.
While we were out walking around town (and getting James a Subway sandwich) this 100+ megayacht Scott Free pulled into the marina near Pecan.
Another shot of At Last with Georgs and Norlene aboard. Turns out I met Georgs in 1989 hen I motored over to his 60 foot Shuttleworth-designed trimaran called Great American when it was anchored off Tiburon in San Francisco Bay. Georgs, along with one other crew member, had just made the fastest rounding of Cape Horn from New York--knocking off 12 days from Flying Cloud's record. What a feat!
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